If you would like to visit The Bridge Church we would love for you to join us!

Below are details regarding church gatherings.

-Due to road closures and access the church can only be accessed through the front cafe entrance until further notice (for directions to the church click here).

-Families are welcome! Click here for details of what’s happening with primary school children and youth. We do not currently have a programme for preschool children but they are welcome to stay in the service!  If a child is struggling to be in the service, we have an adjoining room where they can play with their parent who will be able to hear the service through a speaker.

-For those unable to attend in person, we will continue to stream the teaching from our Sunday service through FaceBook Live on our church FB page and this can be accessed around 11:45 am. It will also remain available to view at a later time.

-Please check our website latest and events sections to keep in informed regarding other church activities throughout the week and contact us for further details.

We hope to see you soon!

Esther, Michael, Lilian & Terri