Streams Prophetic Training (May 31st-June 1st)

We are encouraged to announce that the first Streams Prophetic Training Course of 2024 will be Friday Night (May 31st) to Saturday Afternoon  (June 1st)! This training is extremely worthwhile, especially for those who feel called to be involved in prayer ministry, intercessory prayer,  prophetic and outreach ministry in the church. The cost of the course will be £30 per person and £50 per couple (click here to register for the course). For more information about Streams Ministries check out their website

Here’s an idea below of what may be covered in the teaching. There may be some adjustments to this but the core will be there.

Friday night

  1. Introduction
  2. How God Speaks
  3. How is your love life? – Important to be rooted in relationship with God.
  4. Prophetic Exercise

Saturday morning

  1. Recap
  2. Teaching – Role of Prophecy within the church
  3. Prophetic Exercise
  4. Teaching – Prophecy in outreach settings.
  5. Prophetic Exercise

Saturday Afternoon

  1. Recap
  2. Teaching – Prophetic Protocols
  3. Prophetic exercise
  4. Teaching – Prophetic Team dynamics
  5. Prophetic exercise
  6. Close